Emergency Telephone Numbers in Japan
List of phone numbers for emergency in Japan, Police, Fire department, Ambulance and more useful phone numbers.
List of phone numbers for emergency in Japan, Police, Fire department, Ambulance and more useful phone numbers.
Number of accesses : 1
Most people have a complex about their hair and long for other’s hair. However, the first step you should take is to recognize the actual state of your hair. Everyone has a chance to acquire beautiful hair regardless of age or gender.
Number of accesses : 57
We have put together a list of psychiatrists, therapists and psychologists who speak English in Tokyo. If you have any mental health problems or issues, please refer to the list.
Number of accesses : 13
In this list, you will find English-Speaking doctors and hospitals in Yokohama and Yokosuka in Kanagawa prefecture.
Number of accesses : 9
List of English-Speaking / Foreign-Friendly doctors and hospitals in Japan.
Number of accesses : 8
List of English-Speaking hair salons in Kyoto
Number of accesses : 5
Most people have a complex about their hair and long for other’s hair. However, the first step you should take is to recognize the actual state of your hair. Everyone has a chance to acquire beautiful hair regardless of age or gender.
Number of accesses : 1
While in Japan, it's best to be prepared for an emergency evacuation at all times. It is important to have an evacuation kit ready in case of an emergency evacuation in Japan due to natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, tsunamis, or the loss of a lifeline.
Number of accesses : 10
List of English-Speaking / Foreign-Friendly doctors and hospitals in Japan.
Number of accesses : 9
We have put together a list of psychiatrists, therapists and psychologists who speak English in Tokyo. If you have any mental health problems or issues, please refer to the list.
Number of accesses : 7
List of phone numbers for emergency in Japan, Police, Fire department, Ambulance and more useful phone numbers.
Number of accesses : 6
In this list, you can find English-Speaking doctors and hospitals in Osaka-shi and Minoh-shi in Osaka prefecture.
Number of accesses : 3
List of English-Speaking hair salons in Kyoto
Number of accesses : 2
In this list, you will find English-Speaking doctors and hospitals in Yokohama and Yokosuka in Kanagawa prefecture.
Number of accesses : 1
In this list, you can find English-Speaking doctors and hospitals in Kobe-shi, Ashiya-shi, Nishinomiya-shi in Hyogo prefecture.
Number of accesses : 1
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